I am, and I have grown to appreciate my introverted nature more and more over the years. Even though Western culture tends to celebrate extraverts and reward many extraverted behaviors, I’ve learned that introverts possess strengths that are equally valuable and important. Since introverts make up about a third of the population, it’s important for everyone to understand their traits and behaviors and recognize how to benefit from what introverts have to offer in both personal and professional settings.

If you aren’t sure whether or not you’re an introvert, I suggest you take a Myers-Briggs assessment or similar personality test to find out. Introversion and extraversion exist on a continuum, so you likely possess some of both traits with a dominance in one or the other. Here’s a good free test you can complete in about 15 minutes. Why is it important to know whether or not you’re an introvert? Aside from having a better understanding of yourself and how you relate to other people, knowing this can help you determine a career that best suits your personality. Most workplace cultures and environments are strongly geared towards extroverted personalities. So it’s up to introverts to understand themselves and seek out careers where they can thrive and feel fulfilled.

Here are 395 jobs for introverts based on the eight introvert types:

The INTJ personality type of introvert is excellent at creating innovative solutions to problems, and they naturally recognize opportunities for improvement within complex systems. They are organized and determined in implementing their ideas for change. They enjoy abstraction and theory but get the most fulfillment from turning their ideas into reality. They often enjoy working independently or with a small group of competent, intelligent associates. The ideal job environment for an INTJ is one in which he or she has a lot of autonomy and which is logical, efficient, structured, and analytical.

Good Jobs for Introverts With INTJ Personality Type

Accountant or Auditor Budget Analyst Cost Estimator Financial Analyst Insurance Underwriter Loan Officer Logistician Management Consultant Market Research Analyst Personal Financial Advisor Tax Examiner Financial Manager Senior Executive Sales Engineer Actuary Mathematician Operations Research Analyst Statistician Aerospace Engineer Agricultural Engineer Architect Biomedical Engineer Chemical Engineer Civil Engineer Computer Hardware Engineer Electrical or Electronics Engineer Environmental Engineer Health and Safety Engineer Industrial Engineer Mechanical Engineer Mechanical Engineering Technician Mining or Geological Engineer Nuclear Engineer Petroleum Engineer Surveyor Architectural or Engineering Manager Atmospheric Scientist Biochemist or Biophysicist Chemist or Materials Scientist Economist Environmental Scientist Geoscientist Historian Hydrologist Medical Scientist Microbiologist Political Scientist Art Director Industrial Designer Editor Translator Photographer Reporter Technical Writer Writer Optometrist Pharmacist Physician or Surgeon Podiatrist Technical Education Teacher Professor College Administrator Computer Programmer Computer Support Specialist Computer Systems Analyst Database Administrator Information Security Analyst Network Administrator Software Developer Web Developer Computer and IS Manager Computer Network Architect Computer Scientist Construction Construction Manager Building Inspector Judge or Hearing Officer Lawyer Paralegal or Legal Assistant Protective Service Police Detective Private Investigator The INTP personality type of introvert excels at coming up with theories and analyzing possibilities to prove or disprove them in an original, innovative way. They are creative thinkers and can quickly grasp complex abstract thoughts. Their logical and rational reasoning skills give them the ability to analyze theories to discover the truth about them, which interests them more than the application of the truth. INTP introverts don’t enjoy jobs with organizational bureaucracy and will be happiest in careers where they have a lot of autonomy and can work primarily alone. They desire an environment with lots of flexibility and non-traditional values, and which prefers inventiveness over conformity.

Good Jobs for Introverts With INTP Personality Type

Computer Network Architect Computer Scientist Computer Programmer Computer Systems Analyst Database Administrator Information Security Analyst Network Administrator Software Developer Web Developer Aerospace Engineer Biomedical Engineer Chemical Engineer Civil Engineer Computer Hardware Engineer Electrical or Electronics Engineer Environmental Engineer Mechanical Engineer Geological Engineer Nuclear Engineer Anthropologist or Archaeologist Atmospheric Scientist Biochemist or Biophysicist Chemist Economist Environmental Scientist Geographer Geoscientist Historian Hydrologist Medical Scientist Microbiologist Physicist or Astronomer Political Scientist Psychologist Sociologist Survey Researcher Urban or Regional Planner Zoologist or Wildlife Biologist Physician Accountant or Auditor Financial Analyst Management Consultant or Analyst Market Research Analyst Top Executive Sales Engineer Lawyer Graphic Designer Industrial Designer Multimedia Artist or Animator Composer Musician Editor Photographer Technical Writer Writer or Author Professor or College Instructor The INFJ personality type of introvert are highly-principled, dedicated workers who enjoy envisioning, planning, and implementing complex, creative projects to make the world a better place. They are idealists, but they gain the most fulfillment from their work when they can turn their ideas into reality and facilitate constructive change for other people. INFJs have strong value systems, are highly intuitive and empathetic, and are natural leaders. They are typically organized and orderly in their work. Because they are independent, INFJ introverts tend to prefer a quiet job environment where they can fully develop their own thoughts and ideas. The ideal job for this type of introvert is harmonious, highly-principled, and oriented to a humanitarian goal or cause.

Good Jobs for Introverts With INFJ Personality Type

Physical Therapist Public Health Educator Family Physician Occupational Therapist Psychiatrist Physician Assistant Massage Therapist Nutritionist Medical Researcher Clinical Psychologist Counselor Social Worker Speech Pathologist Clergy Social Scientist Genealogist Food Scientist Environmental Scientist HR Manager Corporate Trainer Environmental Attorney Legal Mediator Elementary Teacher Special Education Teacher School Counselor Librarian Curator Translator Editor Technical Writer Writer Graphic Designer Animator Artist Musician Interior Designer The INFP personality type of introvert is highly-sensitive, service-oriented people who want a job that has meaning. They are driven more by personal values and service than by money or status. This type of introvert typically is motivated by helping people and causes, and want to engage with projects that feel important to them. They enjoy creating original ideas to improve circumstances for people, and want to express their individuality through work that supports their ability to see unique solutions. They enjoy working autonomously and determining how and when to complete a project. They tend to have excellent written communication skills and dislike dealing with details and routine work.

Good Jobs for Introverts With INFP Personality Type

Fine Artist Fashion Designer Graphic Designer Multimedia Artist or Animator Community and Social Service Mental Health Counselor School or Career Counselor Community Service Manager Social Worker Archivist or Curator Elementary School Teacher Librarian Preschool Teacher Professor or College Instructor Special Education Teacher Audiologist Chiropractor Nutritionist Genetic Counselor Massage Therapist Midwife Occupational Therapist Physical Therapist Speech-Language Pathologist Veterinarian Veterinary Technician Fundraiser Human Resources Specialist Training or Development Manager Anthropologist or Archaeologist Geographer Historian Psychologist Sociologist Zoologist or Wildlife Biologist Editor Film Editor Interpreter or Translator Photographer Public Relations Specialist Writer The ISTJ personality type of introvert are practical, dependable and meticulous. They take deadlines and specifications very seriously, and feel strongly about how things should be done. They need independence in their job. They are systematic in completing their tasks and have a strong respect for facts and concrete information. They have outstanding organizational skills, concentration, and perseverance. Give them a stable work environment that is quiet, organized and structured, with clear expectations and few surprises, and ISTJs will thrive.

Good Jobs for Introverts With ISTJ Personality Type

Auditor Actuary Budget Analyst Accountant Chief Information Officer Office Manager Efficiency Analyst Stockbroker Estate Planner Property Manager Real Estate Appraiser Bank Teller Statistician Economist Cost Estimator Airplane Pilot Computer Programmer Database Administrator Electrician Environmental Engineer Mechanic Flight Engineer Civil Engineer Nuclear Engineer Health & Safety Engineer Power Plant Operator Compliance Inspector Geologist Landscaping Manager Farmer or Rancher Technical Instructor School Administrator Criminalist Police Officer Dentist Pharmacist Surgeon Coroner Medical Technologist Physician Assistant Optometrist Health Care Administrator Judge Paralegal Librarian The ISFJ personality type of introvert excels at helping others in a practical, structured way. They are highly observant of other people’s feelings and reactions. ISFJs are driven by their personal values, such as upholding tradition, taking care of others, and working hard. They are stable, practical, and down-to-earth people who enjoy work that requires careful attention to detail within a prescribed structure. They like to work behind the scenes rather than being in the spotlight. Their ideal job environment is orderly, allows for privacy, and doesn’t require a lot of multi-tasking.

Good Jobs for Introverts With ISFJ Personality Type

Dentist Health Care Administrator Nurse Speech Pathologist Veterinarian Optometrist Family Physician Physical Therapist Radiation Therapist Audiologist Physician Assistant Medical Assistant Dental Hygienist Nutritionist Dialysis Technician1 Preschool Teacher Elementary Teacher School Administrator Counselor Social Worker Religious Educator Funeral Director Paralegal Court Reporter Probation Officer Credit Counselor Farmer or Rancher Electrician Jeweler Inter1ior Designer Biologist Food Scientist Medical Researcher Conservation Scientist Librarian Curator Historian Genealogist Real Estate Appraiser Office Manager Customer Service Rep Hotel Manager Tech Support Specialist Bookkeeper Administrative Assistant The ISTP personality type of introvert are interested in how and why things work. They enjoy mastering and utilizing the tools of their trade, whatever it may be — from hands-on work to the tools of business or technology. They prefer projects with a tangible, concrete result and like to apply their skills to solve practical problems. They are action-oriented and excellent trouble-shooters who are independent, determined, and usually self-confident. Many ISTPs enjoy work with an element of risk and that involves physical activity. They’d rather jump in to take action than spend much time planning or theorizing. They prefer to work at home jobs or in a very flexible work environment without too much bureaucracy or procedure.

Good Jobs for Introverts With ISTP Personality Type

Carpenter Surveyor Mechanic Commercial Designer Landscape Architect Building Inspector Forester Farmer or Rancher Exercise Physiologist Athletic Trainer Dental Hygienist ER Physician Chef Photographer Jeweler Securities Analyst Purchasing Agent Financial Manager Software Developer Systems Analyst Database Administrator Software Tester Property Manager Office Manager Cost Estimator Economist Budget Analyst Financial Planner Paralegal Criminalist Biologist Geologist Police Officer Firefighter Private Investigator Military Officer Intelligence Agent Airline Pilot Ship and Boat Captain Flight Engineer Civil Engineer Mechanical Engineer Electrical Engineer Air Traffic Controller Machinist This type of introvert enjoys a job which is consistent with their strong core values. They want to feel deeply engaged with their work, and prefer careers where they can express themselves and be a cause they believe in. They like hands-on projects and gain satisfaction from seeing the results of their efforts in a context that feels meaningful and useful. They tend to live in the current moment and focus intently on the task at hand. Many artists tend to be ISFPs. They like to keep a low-profile and enjoy independent jobs. They are also very tuned in to their physical environment and often desire a workspace that is aesthetically pleasing.

Good Jobs for Introverts With ISFP Personality Type

Fashion Designer Interior Designer Cosmetologist Artist Landscape Architect Jeweler Carpenter Chef Tailor Graphic Designer Mechanic Forester Surveyor Gardener Florist Nurse Massage Therapist Occupational Therapist Veterinary Assistant Dental Hygienist Physical Therapist Fitness Trainer Optician ER Physician Physician Assistant Dietitian Pharmacist Office Manager Paralegal Insurance Appraiser Botanist Geologist Preschool Teacher Social Worker Translator Special Education Teacher Teacher’s Aide Air Traffic Controller Police Officer Firefighter Residential Counselor Animal Trainer Retail Manager Recreation Worker Bookkeeper If you are an introvert, determine your specific Myers Briggs type, and use this list as a guide to find introvert jobs that support your personality type. You spend more than half of your waking hours on the job, so make it a priority to seek out work that matches your natural inclinations and preferences. Please share your personality and career in the comments below and let us know how your job works with your introverted nature. If you have any valuable experiences or advice, please share it with others who are searching for the best career for their introverted natures.

Did you find any value from this massive list of jobs for introverts?

I hope you this list of introvert jobs to help you find a career you love. Would you be willing to send out some love to your friends and family? Please share these famous quotes on your preferred social media platform. (Sources: Truity.com and PersonalityPage.com)

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