Whether the children have just met each other or been friends for years, they will soon be immersed in conversation and laughter. Would you rather questions can be funny, yucky, or thought-provoking. Time will fly by as they play during a long trip, sleepover, party, or family reunion. And better yet, kids will get to know more about each other and themselves while discussing their answers.
How to Play the Would You Rather Game for Kids
As long as you have a partner, you can play the game, but it’s also great for groups of any size. If your group is really large, you can break into teams if you like. Here’s how to play: s
Funny Would You Rather Questions for Kids
- Would you rather have two noses or two mouths?
- Would you rather taste hand lotion or hair conditioner?
- Would you rather live as an animated cartoon character or live as an action figure toy?
- Would you rather live in a treehouse or a houseboat?
- Would you rather have a unicorn or a dragon?
- Would you rather share your room with someone who snores or someone who sleepwalks?
- Would you rather rub peanut butter all over your body or mashed potatoes?
- Would you rather never wear shoes or never wear underwear?
- Would you rather wear clothes only made out of grass or dog hair?
- Would you rather walk through snow barefoot or have to wear a coat during a heatwave?
- Would you rather have more vacations from school and graduate later in life or have no vacations from school but graduate earlier in life?
- Would you rather sleep with a snake or a spider?
- Would you rather grow up to work as a rodeo clown or a bull rider?
- Would you rather have a Genie grant you three wishes or be a Genie?
- Would you rather be a house cat who lives in luxury or a human being who lives in luxury?
- Would you rather be the lowest-ranked member of a group of popular people or the most-admired member of a group of weird, unpopular people?
- Would you rather communicate by barking like a dog or clucking like a chicken?
- Would you rather have school uniforms that were bathing suits or nightgowns?
- Would you rather be able to fly or breathe underwater?
- Would you rather own the world’s fastest car or the world’s biggest airplane?
- Would you rather visit every country in the world or go to the International Space Station?
- Would you rather be reincarnated as a turtle or raccoon?
- Would you rather shave your head or stain your skin blue?
- Would you rather be bitten by a vampire or a zombie?
- Would you rather let a dog pee on your leg or pee your own pants?
- Would you rather have uncontrollable flatulence or sneezing?
- Would you rather never have milk to put on your cereal or never have butter to put on bread?
- Would you rather change your eye color or your hair color?
- Would you rather live 500 years ago and be rich or live today and be poor?
- Would you rather lose internet access or hot and cold running water?
- Would you rather live in a steamy jungle or a freezing polar region?
- Would you rather have to eat only egg salad sandwiches the rest of your life or tuna salad sandwiches?
- Would you rather have ping pong paddles for hands or hockey sticks for feet?
- Would you rather never go to school or never go home?
- Would you rather eat a super hot pepper or eat fermented fish?
- Would you rather have the power to shrink yourself or to make yourself a giant?
- Would you rather be late for school every day or leave early every day?
- Would you rather add an S to the start of your name or an O at the end of your name?
- Would you rather be the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny?
- Would you rather eat soup with a fork or eat a hamburger with a spoon?
- Would you rather have stripes like a zebra all over your body or fur like a panda?
- Would you rather be a wizard or a superhero?
- Would you rather be a ninja or be a spy?
- Would you rather build a pillow fort or a fort out of sheets?
- Would you rather go water skiing or snow skiing?
- Would you rather be in a house filled with marshmallows or a house filled with candy?
- Would you rather visit a haunted castle or stay in an underwater hotel?
- Would you rather ride a horse or a camel?
- Would you rather run really fast or jump really high?
- Would you rather have a room filled with balloons or a room filled with bubbles?
- Would you rather only be able to yell or only be able to whisper?
- Would you rather do homework or do chores?
- Would you rather never have homework again or be paid to do your homework?
- Would you rather have to stay up all night or sleep all day?
- Would you rather be able to fly or become invisible?
- Would you rather live on the Moon or live on Mars?
- Would you rather eat a popsicle or a cupcake?
- Would you rather win the lottery or live twice as long?
- Would you rather find a chest full of treasure or a magic lamp that gives you 3 wishes?
- Would you rather get to eat whatever you want or go to bed whenever you want?
- Would you rather have your mom stay at home all day or go with mom to work?
- Would you rather never need to sleep or never need to eat?
- Would you rather be Spiderman’s sidekick or Superman’s sidekick?
- Would you rather go to a tea party or a costume party? 99 Of The Best This Or That Questions To Spark Conversation 99 Of The Best Would You Rather Questions 105 About Me Questions For An About Me Tag Game
Hard Would You Rather Questions for Kids
- Would you rather have the power of invisibility or the power to read minds?
- Would you rather cure cancer or make sure everyone always had enough food?
- Would you rather be popular with many people or have one truly good lifelong friend?
- Would you rather understand all human languages or be able to talk to animals?
- Would you rather sing to a stadium full of people or have to dance for them?
- Would you rather lose a foot or hand to amputation?
- Would you rather be a world champion at your favorite video game or have every video game for free forever?
- Would you rather have to run for your life from a grizzly bear or a tiger?
- Would you rather never hear music again or never taste good food again?
- Would you rather survive an alien invasion but be a slave or die heroically defending Earth even though the humans lose anyway?
- Would you rather live forever but never be able to remember anything or live forever and only be able to remember bad things?
- Would you rather give your life to save the world or save your life while half the world dies?
- Would you rather give your money to a criminal or accept money from a criminal?
- Would you rather be floating in a lifeboat on the ocean or stranded in a desert?
- Would you rather spend a year in the hospital or prison?
- Would you rather give up your favorite food forever or have to eat it every day forever?
- Would you rather be famous during your life but then forgotten when you die or an unknown person during your life who is remembered fondly by friends and family after death?
- Would you rather have a teacher whose class is easy but you’ll never get an A or a teacher whose class is hard but you have a chance to earn an A if you work hard?
- Would you rather give up celebrating your favorite holiday or your birthday?
- Would you rather be the strongest person or the smartest person?
- Would you rather that people had never invented money or weapons?
- Would you rather live with your parents forever or never see them again?
- Would you rather take a cold shower or take a shower with water that is painfully hot?
- Would you rather live with horrible scars on your face or lose your eyesight?
- Would you rather know when you’re going to die or how you’re going to die?
- Would you rather be stuck in an elevator or trapped in a wrecked car?
- Would you rather have people know your deepest fear or your darkest thought?
- Would you rather become a grownup today or be a kid forever?
- Would you rather have the talent of making beautiful music or beautiful sculptures?
- Would you rather have someone stomp on your foot or punch you in the face?
- Would you rather get run over by a car or trampled by a bison?
- Would you rather have a time machine or a space ship?
- Would you rather be the most feared person in the world or the most loved?
- Would you rather have food poisoning or a bad sunburn?
- Would you rather have no food in the house or no electricity?
- Would you rather cheat to pass a test if you knew that you would not get caught or take the test honestly and fail?
- Would you rather get by in life because you’re just lucky or because you know what you’re doing?
- Would you rather have to live in the world of the Hunger Games or Mad Max?
- Would you rather stop using social media or stop using search engines?
- Would you rather get $1 million when you turn 18 or $10 million when you turn 40?
- Would you rather be a compulsive liar or a compulsive hoarder?
- Would you rather never wear pants or never wear shorts?
- Would you rather have your brain transplanted into a robot or chimpanzee?
- Would you rather have an unlimited amount of chips or candy?
- Would you rather have a pet dragon or a pet unicorn?
- Would you rather be able to talk to dogs or cats?
- Would you rather have a twin or be an only child?
- Would you rather have 5 brothers or 5 sisters?
- Would you rather be able to read minds or see one day into the future?
- Would you rather meet your favorite band or get five concert tickets for free?
- Would you rather be able to change your eye color every day or your hair color every day?
- Would you rather live without a TV or a phone?
- Would you rather live in an amusement park or a zoo?
- Would you rather live without music or without movies?
- Would you rather have a pool or a trampoline?
- Would you rather visit the past or visit the future?
- Would you rather play the guitar or play the piano?
- Would you rather get up very early or stay up very late?
- Would you rather discover a hidden treasure or discover a living dinosaur?
- Would you rather live in a place with a lot of trees or a place near the ocean?
- Would you rather be a famous singer or a famous actor?
- Would you rather be a dolphin or a whale?
- Would you rather be the fastest person in the world or can freeze time?
- Would you rather be the youngest or the oldest sibling?
- Would you rather eat only pizza or only pancakes for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather be a bird or a horse?
- Would you rather go to school only for four months in the winter and have the rest of the year off or go to school in the summer and have the rest of the year off?
- Would you rather live in a treehouse or live in a tent in the woods?
- Would you rather it be Halloween or Christmas?
- Would you rather instantly become a grown-up or stay the age you are now for an extra two years? s
Gross Would You Rather Questions for Kids
- Would you rather eat cabbage ice cream or a cough medicine milkshake?
- Would you rather throw up or have diarrhea?
- Would you rather step in dog poop or clean the cat box?
- Would you rather eat roadkill or look for food in a hospital dumpster?
- Would you rather have a bucket of one thousand people’s earwax dumped on you or a bucket of one thousand people’s toenail trimmings?
- Would you rather give up brushing your teeth for a whole year or washing your hair?
- Would you rather let the garbage pile up in your house or never be able to flush the toilet?
- Would you rather use a portable toilet or go in the bushes?
- Would you rather smell someone’s stinky feet for money or get paid to smell someone’s farts?
- Would you rather have a dead fly in the food that you ordered at a restaurant or a hair off of the cook’s body?
- Would you rather have no doors on the bathroom stalls at school or no bathrooms at school at all?
- Would you rather wear only clothes out of the lost-and-found box or only wear clothes taken off dead people?
- Would you rather have incurable bad breath or body odor?
- Would you rather lick a toilet seat at school in front of everyone or have them see you in your underwear?
- Would you rather have a body like a centipede or a jellyfish?
- Would you rather drink a glass of sweat or a glass of drool?
- Would you rather have a fungal skin infection or stomach parasites?
- Would you rather put chewing gum that you found stuck to a table in your mouth or lick the floor of a city bus?
- Would you rather have silent farts that smell atrocious or loud farts that have no odor?
- Would you rather have garden slugs crawl across your body or cockroaches crawl over you?
- Would you rather eat worms or beetles if you had to survive?
- Would you rather clean a nest of rats out of a basement or a nest of bats out of an attic?
- Would you rather have your eye gouged out or your tongue cut out?
- Would you rather fall into a big pile of soiled diapers or rotted food?
- Would you rather swim in a pool that has visible poop in it or a pool tainted with urine?
- Would you rather pick another person’s nose or wipe that person’s butt?
- Would you rather sleep in a garbage landfill or a sewage treatment plant?
- Would you rather let someone spit in your eyeball or spit in your mouth?
- Would you rather sleep in a bed made from dog fur or human hair?
- Would you rather have another person’s snot massaged into your back or vomit massaged into your back?
- Would you rather drink sour milk with visible chunks or eat rotten potatoes?
- Would you rather that the air always smelled of burps or farts?
- Would you rather sweat heavily 24 hours a day or have the urge to pee every 15 minutes?
- Would you rather have a birthday cake made from dandruff and snot or ground up callouses and urine?
- Would you rather be eaten alive by ants or crows?
- Would you rather sleep in a body locker at a morgue or in a dumpster?
- Would you rather eat cookies filled with rabbit turds or nose boogers?
- Would you rather clean vomit off of a shag carpet or diarrhea?
- Would you rather trade toothbrushes with a stranger or exchange underwear?
- Would you rather have an enema bag spilled on you or a barf bag?
- Would you rather eat your chips with ketchup or mustard?
- Would you rather have a purple nose or green ears?
- Would you rather be able to spit out ice or spit out fire?
- Would you rather be a friendly ghost or a scary monster?
- Would you rather sneeze cheese or have your tears be chocolate flavored?
- Would you rather eat bread with butter or jam?
- Would you rather be chased by a zombie or be haunted by a ghost?
- Would you rather eat a can of dog food or a rotten apple?
- Would you rather have all the sweets you could ever want or all the hamburgers you could ever want?
- Would you rather never have to brush your teeth again or never have to take a bath or shower again?
Ready to get started on this “would you rather for kids” list? If today is a good day to present this game idea to your children, here are some ideas: s
Download (PDF) Would You Rather Questions For Kids This game has the power to help even the quietest kids participate in a group game. Because the point of this game is not to “win” but to talk, players get to enjoy the game equally. The conversations that result are always interesting and sometimes hilarious. The great challenge, as always, is to come up with an answer neither of the choices are preferable. Your frustration when presented by two undesirable choices adds to the entertainment. Don’t worry about having to do what you say. The game is just for the sake of conversation and fun!