At that age, our answers are often simple: doctor, fireman, scientist. Once we get to college or start working, our outlook on the future becomes more complicated. Our goals are less oriented towards purpose but rather towards success. However, to live happily, our views of success should align with a sense of purpose. There are many different kinds of purposes of life to pursue, but it’s essential to find something that brings joy and fulfillment to your life. To visualize and actualize your future goals, consider writing a life purpose statement. We have put together fifteen life purpose statement examples to inspire you to write yours.

Why You Should Write a Life Purpose Statement

Writing a life purpose statement can help focus your goals and motivate you to pursue them. Finding this motivation and channeling it into reality is easier when you explicitly articulate what you want to achieve. Here are a few of the benefits of writing a life purpose statement: 

Increased drive and motivation

Focused mindset to achieve your goals and purpose

Clear path to success based on your “why”

Sense of fulfillment knowing you’re guided by something vital and meaningful

15 Life Purpose Examples

Now that you’re convinced writing a statement reflecting your life purpose, here are a variety of examples. Each one focuses on an area of life that may be meaningful to you. If you resonate with more than one of these statements, consider combining them to expand your own to include a broader purpose.

1. Making a Community Contribution

“My life purpose is to stand up for issues that I believe in and to contribute positively to my community. I want to leave the world knowing that I made it a better place.”  If you care deeply about social issues or giving back to your community, this life purpose statement may work for your goals. In your own statement, feel free to get more specific about how you plan to contribute to your community. 

2. Prioritizing Home and Family

“I hope to build a loving home with my family and to care for my children. I want to support their endeavors while still leaving time for my passions. I will be the best version of myself so that I can lead my children by example.” For those who find a strong sense of purpose from family, consider a statement like this. Ask yourself how you are personally fulfilled through family, and what you want your life to look like. 

3. Finding Career Success

“My life purpose is to find success in my career. I would like to be a notable person among my peers and be valued for my contributions to my field. My hope is that I will retire feeling fulfilled with what I have accomplished.” Many people’s life purposes are centered around careers, as they find happiness through achieving success and contributing to society. It may be helpful to specify your particular field, the goals you may have, and why your career gives you a sense of purpose.

4. Living Authentically

“The purpose of my life is to be my true self, uninhibited by fear. I want to inspire others to live authentically and with passion.” This statement is an example for those who value being honest, open, and living their truth. Start by questioning what your passions are and how they empower you.  Define what living authentically means to you and how you hope to achieve that.

5. Enjoying Creative Expression

“My goal in life is to harness my creativity and imagination to unearth truths about myself, my community, and society at large. I want to pose challenging ideas through my art.” Many artists have specific mission statements attached to their work. As you grow as an artist, you may find that elements of your statement change, but the central core of your life’s purpose will usually remain the same. 

6. Inspiring Others

“The purpose of my life is to be a source of light to other people and radiate positivity. I hope to find an inner strength that is inspiring to others.” Finding peace and modeling that for others is a compelling goal to motivate your self-growth. Many people dedicate their lives to self-improvement and receiving wisdom to pass it on to others. 

7. Fostering Connections

“My goal in life is to love others unconditionally and foster meaningful connections with people. I want to walk through life with an open hand, being available to form new friendships.” If you thrive through your connections, this purpose statement may resonate with you. Think about what you are giving to these relationships versus what you are receiving. How does that impact your purpose?  41 Fun Facts About Yourself That Everyone Wants To Hear 12 Of The Most Important Values To Live By 21 Extraordinary Things To Be Passionate About In 2021

8. Living Mindfully

“I envision a life where I take things slowly and stop to smell the roses. I never want to miss out on an opportunity to find joy in the little things. I will explore my world with open curiosity and be fully present with all experiences.” Not everyone enjoys living in a fast-paced and career-oriented environment. This statement is an excellent example for people who admire beauty, value small treasure, and find meaning in living a more mindful and engaged life.

9. Achieving Life Balance

“In my life, I want to achieve a harmonious balance between my career, my family, and fun. I plan to work hard but also seek excitement and adventure where I can.” You can have it all. Some of you may be working out how to balance many different elements in your life. Writing a life purpose statement like this one is an excellent place to start when figuring out how to achieve your goals. 

10. Protecting the Environment

“My life’s purpose is to be a caretaker of the Earth by living a life of zero waste and reducing my carbon footprint.” Climate change and environmental causes are a valuable focus for a life purpose for many people. Collaboration and community are a central component of this goal. If you find inspiration from this example, consider fleshing out specific examples of how you can contribute to helping Mother Earth. 

11. Raising Successful Children

“My purpose is to raise a family of caring, passionate, and independent children who will find success in their own way and with integrity. I believe that being a parent is the joy of my life.” Here is another example of a family-oriented life purpose statement, There are many different ways to center your family life in your personal goals, and each parent or family member will have their own view. 

12. Living with Joy

“I want to live enthusiastically. I want to marry my best friend and settle into a long life together. I want to be fulfilled in my work and find meaning through art. I want to die knowing I lived the best way I knew how.” This example shows that you can have many different types of goals in one mission statement. You don’t have to dedicate your life to any singular thing. We are complex creatures with many desires and interests. 

13. Leaving a Legacy

“I hope to achieve great things in my life. My life’s purpose is to leave a legacy behind me. I want to have the highest quality of life, and live abundantly.”  Some personal statements are more qualitative, describing the type of life you want to lead. It is not necessary to list specific goals, but rather, you can paint a picture of the direction you’re headed. 

14. Making Others Happy

“My purpose in life is to make others laugh. I want to leave a smile on the faces of those I love, those I meet, and those who remember me long after I am gone.”  Other life purpose statements are joyfully simple. If you wish to lead a joyful life, consider this example. When reflecting on your statement, think of the ways you can apply this perspective in your life. How can your sense of humor and happy demeanor contribute positively to your career or your relationships? 

15. Teaching Children

“My goal in life is to be an educator and help students reach their greatest potential. I want to help young kids find great success.” This example is perfect for teachers whose profession is their main passion in life. When we have found careers that genuinely make us happy, our life purposes are often shaped around finding success within them.  How will you use these life purpose examples? If you are ever asked the question, “What is your purpose in life?” you now have a better idea of what that answer might be. Your statement should be personal and specific to your interests and motivations. Use these examples to help craft your personal life purpose statement. Here are a few different ways to utilize this exercise:

Use it as a professional statement in your resume. Many job applications require a personal mission or professional statement in your resume. Craft your purpose statement to support your career goals.

Write it in a journal, and return back to it when you need to refocus your energies. Just the act of writing your statement reinforces it in your mind.

Discuss it with your significant other. Relationships often work for the long term when both parties share a similar sense of purpose and want to share in each other’s goals. 

Refer to your life purpose statement regularly as you make critical decisions or plans for your life. Use it as your compass to guide you through life’s ups and downs, reminding you of the higher reason you live on this planet. May your purpose in life inspire everything you do today and always.

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