Some questions are so deep that even great minds cannot give brief answers to big questions. They can only offer up something to ponder at least a little while before they try again with mind boggling answers. Also read: 150 Mind blowing questions that boggle your mind I’ve always loved questions that leave my brain scratching the wall and make me wonder if there’s more to the world than I can begin to comprehend. So, I researched some philosophical questions and came up with some big answers to mind bending questions. These big answers to big questions make you think deep and help you to become smart.

Big answers to mind bending questions

Here is a list of big answers to mind bending questions:

1. Why do logic and reason fail to explain what is true?

Answer: Logic and reason fail to explain that what is true. Why? Because logic & reason aren’t absolute truths. Logic is only as good as its source, which means all logical arguments have a fallacy in them. Logic can’t tell us what’s true, but it can tell us whether or not an argument is valid. Reasoning on the other hand isn’t necessarily fallacious, but it can be biased and flawed by our own personal beliefs and knowledge which we learn from experience rather than logic or reasoning. Simply, logic is a tool for reasoning, not for proving God’s existence. The word “proof” comes from the Latin word “propositionem” which means “a statement that has been established as true or false”. Logic does not prove truth or God’s existence because logic is a tool for reasoning, not for proving God’s existence. Logic can be used to prove that something cannot be proved, but cannot necessarily be used to prove that something is true or false. Also read: 100 Mind bending questions that drive you crazy

2. How do you know if you are truly free?

Answer: The word “free” is used in different ways, but I think the best way to understand it is as a state of being that allows you to make your own choices. Let’s us assume that are not free. Because you are constantly being influenced by your genes, environment, your past experiences, and the opinions of others. However, there are some things that can help you become more aware of how those factors affect your life. This doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want without consequence. It means that no matter what happens, there are no rules stopping you from doing what you want. You have free will and everything you do with it is your choice. You can choose to not do something or you can choose to make different decisions in life. You can choose what kind of person you want to be and how you want to live your life. In order for us to truly be free, we need to understand that our actions are our own responsibility and no other person or thing has any control over us. We must always remember that a person cannot control their own destiny; only they can decide what happens next for them. Also read: 100 Mind boggling questions that confuse you

3. Are you living or dying?

Answer: The short answer is yes. We are living and dying. We all have a choice. We can choose to live our lives, or we can choose to die. If we choose to live, then we are living. If we chose to die, then we are dying when you are alive. It’s that simple. However, the long answer is that we don’t know how long we live for, but it’s not because of anything scientific or technical. It’s because of the way our bodies work. Our cells divide and die every day, and they do so in an orderly way. The cells that make up our bodies are constantly dying off and being replaced by new ones. This process continues until we die and there are no more cells left to divide, at which point all that’s left is a skeleton with some bits of brain attached to it (and possibly a few other bits as well). But why does this happen? Why can’t you just keep on living forever? Well, the reason why this doesn’t happen is because there are things called apoptosis pathways in our body that tell certain types of cells when to stop dividing and die off instead (for example, stem cells). These pathways can be turned off if the cell has done something wrong – for example, if too much damage has been done to its DNA – so that it doesn’t go on multiplying uncontrollably like cancer cells do when they start multiplying too fast. We can only choose to live a life that is good or bad, but we can’t choose not to die. So, there are no choices in the end because everything we do in our lives will lead us to either good or bad outcomes. Also read: 37 Questions that mess with your mind

4. Does human consciousness have a special purpose?

Answer: What is the purpose of human consciousness? Is it for experiencing pleasure and pain, or is there a higher purpose? According to some scientists, there is no answer to this question. They believe that we humans are just here to live, eat, drink and be merry. We were not created with a special purpose in mind. However, some people believe that our consciousness has a special purpose – to help us understand the world around us and use our intelligence in order to solve problems. They say that our consciousness has been created by God so we can use it for something meaningful. The problem with this theory is that it doesn’t explain why we have consciousness at all. Why would God create something so complex and difficult like human consciousness if it wasn’t meant for some specific purpose? Wouldn’t it be easier just to create robots instead? I personally believe that while our consciousness may have been created by God, there could still be an explanation for what its real purpose is. However, let’s suppose, human consciousness doesn’t have a special purpose. Because if we observe the nature of existence, human consciousness is the result of millions of years of evolution and genetic coding. Our brains are no different than any other species on the planet, so it should come as no surprise that we are able to think and feel just like them. We have been able to evolve as a species because we figured out how to use our brains in order to survive and reproduce. You see, evolution by natural selection means that those who do things that benefit their genes will pass down their DNA through generations while those who don’t will not be able to reproduce or pass down their genes. So basically, if you want your genes to survive in future generations then it makes sense for you to behave in ways that benefit yourself because if you don’t then there won’t be any offspring at all! Also read: Really hard questions with answers

5. Why do emotions have conflict with the mind?

Answer: The reason why emotions always have a conflict with the mind is because they are two different things. While emotions are how you feel, your mind is the rational part of you. When you think about something and feel an emotion at the same time, it can be harder to make decisions because your rationality will say one thing but your emotions will tell you another. When we experience emotions, they are telling us something about our reality and what’s going on around us, but when we think logically, we are trying to understand how this experience fits into a greater scheme of things and what it means for us as people.  The mind and the emotions. There is a difference between the mind and the emotions. The mind is a collection of thoughts and feelings that are constantly changing. The emotions are your responses to these thoughts and feelings. The mind is the part of us that makes decisions based on logic and reason, while the emotions are the part of us that works on gut feelings, intuition and emotion. The mind wants to be logical, but it can also be irrational at times. If you think about it logically, if there were no emotions then nothing would be wrong with the world. Also read: Deep thought-provoking hard questions with answers But since there are emotions, there will always be conflict between them and the mind. The mind cannot exist without emotions because it creates meaning out of what we perceive as reality. Without emotion, we would see everything as flat & not have any reason for which to act or react in any way. The conflict between these two parts can cause problems when we try to make decisions based on logic alone. For example, if you have a problem deciding what to have for lunch, you might think about it for a long time before taking action because your emotions are telling you to go with your gut.  However, if someone else were to ask you how much money they need to save before buying their dream car or vacation destination, your logical side would tell you it’s more important to save more money than saving now so that in the future you can afford whatever it is that they want. In short: The mind & emotions work together but sometimes they don’t get along very well which causes us lots of stress & anxiety at times.

6. What’s more essential to humanity: emotion or reason?

Answer: The answer to this question is that emotion and reason are both essential to humanity. Emotion and reason are two sides of the same coin. We need both in order to be human, but they don’t work together in harmony. Emotion is often an automatic reaction to something we see or hear, while reason is the ability to analyze situations and make judgments based on facts. Reason can be used to convince others of your ideas and make decisions based on logical reasoning alone, but it’s not always possible for us to think rationally all of the time. Sometimes we need help from our emotions in order for us to go with our gut instincts when making important decisions about our lives or relationships.

7. What is the human soul made of and how to witness it?

Answer: The human soul is a mystery. Some believe it contains your personality, memories and experiences. The idea of a soul (or spirit) separate from the body originated with ancient Egyptian & Greek philosophers. The Egyptians believed that humans possessed three parts – body, ka (life force), and ba (personality). The Greeks argued over whether we have one part only or three parts like the Egyptians believed. Some Greek philosophers argued that when you die your body rots away while your personality leaves your body behind and then enters into another physical form such as an animal before returning to earth in another life form again. However, recent studies and researches suggest that the human soul is made of energy, and this energy can be seen/felt by people who have an open mind. The human soul is not visible to everyone, but some people are able to witness it in their dreams, during meditation or when they fall asleep or go through near death experiences. One of the best ways to witness how your soul works is by meditating on your breath for 20 minutes everyday for 3 months straight. This helps you relax all over your body so that when your conscious mind wakes up from its slumber it can see all the things going on inside you at once instead of one at a time.

8. Why is it hard to believe the truth?

Answer: The truth is not some cosmic force or otherworldly entity, but rather it’s simply what you want it to be. When you choose to believe something, this becomes your reality. Our brains can only handle a certain amount of information at any given time so we have to filter out all the noise so we can focus on important things like food and shelter. If someone tells us something then we will remember it and repeat it back to them because we believe that person means well for our own benefit. But if someone tells us something that contradicts what we already know about the world then our minds will automatically reject such information & find any way possible to dismiss it as false instead of trying hard enough to accept it. Your brain has been programmed from birth by genes, society (your parents, teachers & friends) which means that if you don’t challenge their beliefs then they will become more entrenched in their beliefs until they slowly become blind spots where they think everything they see is true & not just one version of reality. 

9. How to avoid death?

Answer: The first and most important step is to realize that death is inevitable. Death isn’t the end of life, it’s a change in state. The only question you should be asking yourself is: “What happens after I die?” When you die, your consciousness will cease to exist. There will be no more thoughts or feelings in your mind, there will be no more actions taken by your body and there will be no more decisions made by your brain. However, there is a strong spiritual belif that, even though you are no longer alive physically, you are still alive spiritually because we are spiritual beings with a soul. We can never truly die because we are immortal beings whose souls live on after physical death. The second step is to accept this fact about yourself and others so that when death does come for us all, we can move on peacefully with our loved ones who have passed before us.

10. What’s the difference between science and religion?

Answer: The difference between science & religion is that science focuses on the natural world while religion focuses on the supernatural world. Science finds answers by observing nature, while religion tries to explain how things work by making up stories. Science can’t prove or disprove anything but it can offer theories & explanations regarding a certain subject matter and we can take it at face value or not depending on our personal beliefs or opinions. Religion on the other hand has no such limitations since it deals with matters beyond human understanding & therefore it must be based on faith alone which makes it inherently subjective.

11. What animals are thinking and feeling and why it should matter?

Answer:  Animals are very different from each other, but every animal has a brain and a body. The brain does not work without the body and vice versa. We cannot understand what a dog is thinking or feeling, but we can see their reactions to certain situations or actions. Many people think that animals do not think like humans, but this is not true. Dogs are just like us in many ways. Research from national geography suggest that, Yes! Animals think and feel For example, dogs have emotions like sadness, anger and joy just like humans, but they also have some unique characteristics such as loyalty, fearlessness and curiosity that make them interesting to watch and learn more about. Animals experience emotions and feelings just like humans do. For example, a dog can feel sad when it loses its owner or even happier when reunited with them. The reason it should matter is because it gives us a better understanding of how other living creatures think & feel. It also gives us a deeper insight into who we are as creatures, especially as humans. We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for info.

Naveen’s expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with Naveen’s work, connect with him by following his social media accounts. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.